Sana Vie Villa is designed as a contemporary romantic villa that combines modern Balinese and Japanese concepts, every single material with its own design and passion which is comfort for honeymoon and family who would spend their holiday in Seminyak Bali. Featuring Smart One Bedroom Villa with Private Pool & Bathtub and Two Bedroom Private Pool Villa with Private Pool & Bathtub which is completed with signature high end villa facilities and services.
We are currently seeking high-talented and motivated individuals to join our fast growing team in the following establishments:
- Villa Manager
- Director of Marketing&Branding
- Revenue Manager/Senior
- Ecommerce Manager
- Asst. Marcom Manager
- Indian CDP
- Senior Project Manager
- Recruitment Officer
- Compensation and Benefit Staff
- Training Officer
- Graphic Design
- Senior Arsitek
- Reservation
- Tax Officer
- Cost Control
- Video Photo Editor DW
- Internal Auditor DW
- Marketing Admin DW
- Admin Operational DW
General Requirement & Responsible:
- Join Immediately
- Min 1 years experience (staff /manager/director level)
- Min 6 months training experience (DW level)
- Flexibility to respond to arrange of different work situations
- Able to work as a team and ability to work under pressure
- Strong interpersonal and communication skill
- Energetic &Positive individual
Should your meet the requirements above, please send your complete resume and recent photograph to:
Send CV to :
Subject: Name_Position
Example: Deni_Revenue Manager
Kirim CV ke
Tips Untuk Pelamar
- Jangan lupa sampaikan kamu mendapat Info Lowongan dari
- Buatlah CV dan Surat Lamaran semenarik mungkin agar lebih mendapat perhatian HRD. Buat CV Cepat dan Praktis di BikinCV atau lihat Contoh Surat Lamaran yang Baik disini.
- Ketika melamar lowongan kerja, anda tidak boleh membayar sejumlah uang kepada seseorang/ perusahaan. Jika ada yang meminta, Tolak Saja! Kemungkinan besar itu adalah sebuah penipuan.
- Belakangan ini sering terjadi penipuan kepada calon pencari kerja. Selalu berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap segala bentuk penipuan!